CDL Training in Charlotte, NC
TransTech is the leading truck driver training school in Charlotte, NC. Conveniently located near the airport, we offer the most effective and affordable Class A and Class B CDL training program in North Carolina. Our CDL training classes begin each week, and students can start earning a new paycheck in as little as one month.
Truck Driver Training School serving the Charlotte Metro
Our small class sizes, late-model equipment, and on-site CDL training range make TransTech an excellent choice for residents living inside or close to the I-485 loop. TransTech is the largest truck driver training school in North Carolina, and we have helped more than 10,000 men and women begin their new careers as professional truck drivers. Students from Huntersville, Cornelius, Matthews, Concord, Harrisburg, Waxhaw, Fort Mill, and the surrounding area begin truck driving school each month at TransTech.